22 Years of Excellence and Leadership


Success Story

Success Story

22 Years of Excellence and Leadership

On 19th July 2022, GigaSoft completed 22 years in service. We are delighted to have come this far and are humbled by the continued support and appreciation we have received over the years by our customers, employees, investors and well wishers.

Like many other startups, GigaSoft was also started small in a room, with an idea to develop solutions that are innovative, relevant and cost effective for the customer. Over the years, we have traded places from that small room to a comfortable office and the zeal to provide best of breed Business Technology Solutions has also grown with the increasing company size!.

When we started, internet was in it's infancy and was not even known to common man in India. We specialised in desktop application development skills prevelant in that era and started creating solutions which companies lapped up one after another.

With the emergence and growth of internet we joined the bandwagon but with the distinct advantage of a strong technical background, we focussed on challenging yet exciting solutions that could bridge the gap between desktop based applications and web based universal accessibility.

Web is the forefront of business today, and we cater to web centric solutions that encompass the entire life cycle of an online activity of a business, starting from domain registration, web hosting and corporate email solutions; to websites, web based applications, e-commerce, payment gateway integrations; to Web marketing, including Search engine optimisation and promotion, social media marketing, article and content management and pay per click advertising.

All this would not have been possible without strong support from our benevolent customers, dedicated employees and broad-minded investors.

Thank You!

Success Story